Edward & Sophie Gulbrandsen (3rd Generation)

Prior to First Generation
First Generation Fourth Generation
Second Generation Fifth Generation
Sixth Generation



October 2006 - I finally made some changes! I added Gabrielle's page and some information
about the Shvedoffs and Halvorsens. If you have pictures of Ariana, please send them my way!

Welcome to the Gulbrandsen family tree online! This is very much a work-in-
progress, so please let us know about any problems, fixes, additions. Visit the
contacts page to see who to contact.

Right now, to just see individual information based on generation, visit any
of the links on the left. From the generation pages, some of the names are
underlined - this means they're links to that person's picture page. If
you have any pictures that you would like added to your page, please email them
to Danielle and I'll put them up for you. Otherwise, it's pretty risky what I might
put up (you'd be amazed at the pictures I have)!!

If you would like to see the whole tree, click on the link at the top of the page.
Depending on your connection, this might take a bit to open - have patience, it's
big. There will eventually be a few more trees, but this is a start.

Enjoy the page, and please let us know what you think!

-Danielle Geisert (Gulbrandsen)